
Click the name of the speaker to see the whole bio.
Aaltonen, Aleksi
Assistant Professor at the Information Systems & Management Group, Warwick Business School, Uk.
Baiyere, Abayomi
Associate Professor at the Digitalization Department of Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
Bhattacherjee, Anol
Full Professor of Information Systems and Dean's Fellow at the University of South Florida.
Haj-Bolouri, Amir
Associate Professor of Information Systems at Högskolan Väst, Sweden
Janes, Andrea
Assistant professor at the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen (Italy).
Joshi, Anirudha
Professor in the interaction design stream in the Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay, India.
Martini, Antonio
Associate professor at University of Oslo and a Principal Strategic Researcher at CA Technologies
Márton, Attila
Associate professor at the Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School
Adams, Bram
Assistant professor, MCIS Lab on Maintenance, Construction and Intelligence, Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada.
Ranjan, Kini B.
Professor of Management - Information Systems at Indiana University Northwest.
Fleisher, Craig S.
Chief Learning Officer (CLO) at Aurora WDC, USA.
Moe, Carl Erik
Associate professor at University of Agder, Norway
Pautasso, Cesare
Associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Lugano, Switzerland.
Sørensen, Carsten
Reader (Associate Professor) in Digital Innovation within Department of Management at The London School of Economics and Political Science
Tan, Chee-Wee
Professor in the Department of Digitization at Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
Taibi, Davide
Assistant Professor at the Tampere University, Finland.
Vernon, David
Professor of Informatics at the University of Skövde, Sweden
Said, Dhaou
Post-Doctoral Researcher in University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Professor Dasgupta, Dipankar
Professor of Computer Science, University of Memphis (USA)
Turunen, Esko
Professor at Department of Mathematics at Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Poort, Eltjo R.
Distinguished Solution Architect at CGI in The Netherlands
Palomba, Fabio
Senior Research Associate at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Chan, Frank
Assistant Professor in Information Systems, ESSEC Business School, France
Garzotto, Franca
Franca Garzotto is an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the Department of Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano.
Ruhe, Guenther
Professor, University of Calgary, Canada
Sandini, Giulio
Founding Director of the Italian Institute of Technology and full professor of bioengineering at the University of Genoa
Proper, Henderik A.
Professor, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Schulzrinne, Henning
Professor at Columbia University, USA.
Tirri, Henry
Dr. Executive in Residence in Aalto University, Finland.
Pappas, Ilias
Ilias Pappas is a Professor of Information Systems at University of Agder (UiA) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
Gogan, Janis L.
Professor, Information & Process Management, Bentley University, USA.
Heikkilä, Jukka
Professor of Information Systems at the University of Turku, Turku School of Economics.
Jussila, Jari
Postdoctoral Researcher in DARE Business Data Research Group at Laboratory of Industrial and Information Management, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland and Chief Information Officer at Moodmetric
Lapalme, James
Assistant Director of the Numerix Research Laboratory at the l’École de technologie supérieure in Montreal, Canada
Lindman, Juho
Associate professor of informatics in the Department of Applied IT at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Murillo, Juan Manuel
Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Extremadura in Spain
Spillner, Josef
Associate professor at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland.
Hintsa, Juha
Dr., CEO and Founder, CBRA (www.cross-border.org)
Nandhakumar, Joe
Professor of Information Systems and the Head of the Information Systems and Management group at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, England.
Porras, Jari
Professor of Software Engineering (especially Distributed Systems) at the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland.
Conboy, Kieran
Professor in the School of Business & Economics at the University of Galway
Lang, Karl
Professor of Information Systems at Baruch College, CUNY
Peffers, Ken
Professor of Management Information Systems at the Lee Business School, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Sorathia, Keyur
Assistant Professor at Department of Design (DoD), IIT Guwahati
Leona Chandra Kruse
Assistant Professor of Information Systems (IS) and Innovation at the University of Liechtenstein.
Lavazza, Luigi
Lavazza is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate of the Università degli Studi dell Insubria in Varese, Italy
Felderer, Michael
Senior researcher at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck, Austria
Helenius, Mika
Lehto, Martti
Adjunct professor in University of Jyväskylä.
Linne, Marja-Leena
Dr., Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
Rönkkö, Mikko
Postdoctoral researcher at University of Jyväskylä, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems.
Ruohonen, Mikko J.
Professor of Information Systems at the University of Tampere, Chief Executive of CIRCMI (Research on information, customer and innovation management)
Turunen, Markku
Professor. Head of the Pervasive Interaction research group, a part of the Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction (TAUCHI) at the Tampere University
Tarafdar, Monideepa
Charles J. Dockendorff Professor at Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amhers
Islam, Najmul
Associate Professor (tenure track) of Digital Transformation, LUT University, Finland
Mavengere, Nicholas
Doctor in Philosophy in Information and Systems (University of Tampere)
Novielli, Nicole
Assistant Professor at University of Bari, Italy
Mazhelis, Oleksiy
Abrahamsson, Pekka
Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology at Trondheim, Norway
Mikalef, Patrick
Professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Davison, Robert M.
Professor at City University of Hong Kong
Hekkala, Riitta
Postdoctoral Researcher in the School of Business at the Aalto University, Helsinki
Lindgren, Rikard
Professor of informatics at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Mukkamala, Raghava Rao
Assistant professor of Computational Social Science at the Department of IT Management, Copenhagen Business School
Ottis, Rain
Dr Rain Ottis is an Associate Professor (Cyber Security) in Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia.
Vatrapu, Ravi
Professor of human computer interaction at the Department of IT Management of the Copenhagen Business School, adjunct professor of applied computing at the Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology, and director of the Centre for Business Data Analytics.
Chatterjee, Samir
Professor of computer networking and telecommunications at Claremont Graduate University, USA.
Dehghanzadeh, Soheila
Dr. Soheila Dehghanzadeh, R&D of DENSO Automotive Dtl. GmbH, Munich, Germany
Furber, Steve
Professor of Computer Engineering in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester, UK
Gregor, Shirley
Professor of Information Systems in the College of Business and Economics (CBE) at the Australian National University
Klein, Stefan
Professor for Interorganizational Systems at the University of Münster, Germany.
Morasca, Sandro
Morasca is a Professor of Computer Science at the Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate of the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria in Como and Varese, Italy
Panichella, Sebastiano
Research Associate at University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Pekkola, Samuli
Professor of information systems at Tampere University of Technology.
Purao, Sandeep
Trustee Professor in the Information and Process Management group at Bentley University.
Sharma, Sumita
Tarkoma, Sasu
Professor of Computer Science at University of Helsinki
Vegas, Sira
Associate professor of software engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Melnyk, Steven
Professor of Supply Chain Management at Michigan State University
Rosenthal, Sonny
Associate Professor of Sustainability Communication in the College of Integrative Studies at Singapore Management University.
Wagner, Stefan
Professor Stefan Wagner (University of Stuttgart, Head of the Software Engineering Research Group)
Böhmann, Tilo
Professor at Department of Informatics of the Universität Hamburg, Germany.
Keskinen, Tuuli
Researcher and Ph.D. student in Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction (TAUCHI) at the University of Tampere.
Mettler, Tobias
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland.
Tuunanen, Tuure
Professor of information systems in the faculty of information technology at the University of Jyväskylä.
Harviainen, Tuomas
Professor of Information Studies and Interactive Media at Tampere University
Männistö, Toni
Dr., Head of Research at CBRA, a Swiss institute of supply chain security and trade facilitation
Vartiainen, Tero
Professor of information systems in the Department of Computing Sciences at the University of Vaasa, Finland
Garousi, Vahid
Associate Professor in Wageningen University, Netherlands.
Lenarduzzi, Valentina
Assistant professor (tenure track) at University of Oulu (Finland).
Manninen, VIlle
Agile Coach and Software Architect in Industry62
Venkatesh, Viswanath
Eminent Scholar and Verizon Chair at the Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech.
Fernandez, Walter
Professor at the School of Information Systems, Technology and Management at the University of New South Wales Australia
Wang, Xiaofeng
Dr., Free University of Bozen Bolzano, Italy
Le Pallec, Xavier
Xavier Le Pallec is Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Lille University (France)
Ågerfalk, Pär
Dr. Pär J. Ågerfalk is Professor of Computer and Systems Science at Uppsala University where he holds the Chair in Computer Science in Intersection with Social Sciences.
Antikainen, Maria
Dr., VTT
Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko
Prof., University of Tampere.
Salovaara, Antti
PhD Antti Salovaara (post doc at the Department of Information and Service Economy, Aalto School of Business)
Bener, Ayse
Professor in the department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Ryerson University
Robert Galliers
Professor Robert Galliers, Bentley University (USA)
Bygstad, Bendik
Professor at Department of Informatics. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. University of Oslo.
Carmel, Erran
Dr. Erran Carmel is Professor in Information Technology department, Kogod School of Business at American University.
Chong, Peter H. J.
Associate Prof. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Coplien, James O.
Better known as Jim Coplien. He is a writer, lecturer, and researcher in the field of Computer Science.
Damiani, Ernesto
Ernesto Damiani is a full professor at the Information Technology Dept., University of Milan, where he leads the Ph. D. program in Computer Science.
Damsgaard, Jan
Jan Damsgaard is professor and the director of Center for Applied Information and Communication Technology at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science and Psychology and a Ph.D. in Information Systems.
Davis, Alan M.
Al Davis is a Professor of Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
Hossain, Ekram
Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
Elmusrati, Mohammed
Professor and head of communications and systems engineering group at University of Vaasa, Finland.
Erkinheimo, Pia
Pia Erkinheimo is Head of Crowdsourcing, Concepting & Innovation at Nokia.
Erkkilä, Timo
MSc, Director of Big Data Solutions, Quva Oy
Ferenc, Rudolf
Prof., University of Szeged
Fernandez, Walther
Dr., The ANU College of Business and Economics, Australia.
Franch, Xavier
Associate professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Spain)
Grönlund, Åke
Prof., Örebro University, Sweden.
Gyimothy, Tibor
Prof., University of Szeged
Hamari, Juho
Researcher at the Game Research Lab, University of Tampere.
Hanseth, Ole
Professor in the Department of Informatics,
University of Oslo
Harrison, Neil
Neil Harrison is an associate professor of computer science at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah.
Hätönen, Kimmo
Dr Kimmo Hätönen, Nokia Oyj, Finland
Hedman, Jonas
Jonas Hedman is Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Holmström, Jan
Prof. Helsinki University of Technology.
Huotari, Maija-Leena
Prof., University of Oulu
Hyppönen, Hannele
Development Manager, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare
Iivari, Juhani
Prof., University of Oulu.
Iversen, Ole Sejer
Professor in Child-Computer Interaction at Aarhus University, Denmark
Jaaksi, Ari
Nokia, Head of software teams.
Jarvenpaa Sirkka
Prof., McCombs School of Business, University of Texas Austin
Järvinen, Pertti
Prof., emeritus, University of Tampere.
Leppänen, Jukka
Dr. Jukka Leppänen (University of Tampere School of Medicine)
Kaikkonen, Anne
Anne Kaikkonen works as user interface product manager in Nokia.
Kan, Stephen
IBM/University of Minnesota, USA
Karsten, Eija
Docent, Åbo Akademi University
Kirn, Stefan
Prof., University of Hohenheim, Germany.
Koivo, Heikki
Emeritus Professor at Aalto University, Finland
Koivumäki, Timo
Timo Koivumäki received his Ph. D. in Economics and Business Administration in 1999 at the University of Oulu, Finland.
Korhonen, Kirsi
Nokia-siemens Networks
Kuk, George
Dr George Kuk is an associate professor in strategy and information systems at Nottingham University Business School.
Kuusisto, Rauno
Professor, Head of Information Technology Division at Finnish Defence Research Agency
Lehtonen, Timo
Senior Software Designer, M.Sc. (Tech.), Solita Plc.
Leroy, Gondy
Associate professor in the School of Information Systems and Technology at Claremont Graduate University.
Levina, Natalia
Associate Professor in the Information, Operations, and Management Sciences department at the Stern School of Business, New York University.
Lewis, Grace
Grace Lewis is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Software Engineering Insti-tute (SEI).
Lindman, Juho
Dr. Juho Lindman is an Assistant Professor in the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland.
Lundell, Björn
Dr. Björn Lundell has been researching the Open Source phenomenon for a number of years.
Lyytinen, Kalle
Prof., Case Western Reserve University.
MacKenzie, Scott
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at York University.
Myers, Michael D.
Professor of Information Systems at the University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand.
Nah, Fiona Fui-Hoon
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah is an associate professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and will be a full professor in August 2011.
Nielsen, Peter Axel
Prof., Aalborg University, Denmark
Obaidat, Mohammad S.
Dr. Mohammad S. Obaidat is a full professor at Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA. He is Fellow of the IEEE and Fellow of the SCS.
Obaidat, Mohammad S.
Prof., Dr. Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monmouth University
Offutt, Jeff
Dr. Jeff Offutt is Professor of Software Engineering at George Mason University
Olfman, Lorne
Lorne Olfman is a Professor in the School of Information Systems and Technology and Fletcher Jones Chair in Technology Management at Claremont Graduate University (CGU).
Öörni, Anssi
Anssi Öörni (D.Sc.), assistant professor of information systems.
Päivärinta, Tero
Prof., University of Agder, Norway.
Pal, Pallavi
Researcher Pallavi Pal, School of Management, University of Tampere
Pantzar, Mika
Mika Pantzar (PhD) is acting as a research professor in National Consumer Research Centre.
Pawlowski, Jan
Prof., University of Jyväskylä
Pitkänen, Olli
Olli Pitkänen holds a doctorate in information technology, a master's degree in software engineering, and a master's degree in laws.
Purao, Sandeep
Professor of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State University, University Park, PA
Raitoharju, Reetta
Lecturer, Turku School of Economics
Ram Sudha
McClelland Professor of Management Information Systems in the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona.
Ramos, Isabel
Isabel Ramos has a doctorate degree in Information Technologies and Systems, specialization in Information Systems Engineering and Management, since 2001. She is Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Department of the Minho University, Portugal.
Reed, Martin
Martin Reed has been building and managing online communities since 2000.
Rissanen, Olli-Pekka
Ministry of Finance.
Rossi, Matti
Matti Rossi is a professor of information systems at Aalto University School of Business.
Suomi, Reima
Professor of Information Systems Science, University of Turku, Finland
Ruotsalainen, Pekka
Research Professor, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare
Salmela, Hannu
Prof., Turku School of Economics.
Salminen, Airi
Prof., University of Jyväskylä.
Saranto, Kaija
Prof., University of Kuopio
Sarker, Suprateek
Suprateek Sarker is Professor of Information Technology at the McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia, USA.
Saxena, KBC
Dr. K. Bhushan C. Saxena is Professor of Information Management at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India.
Sein, Maung K.
Visiting Professor at the School of Business, University of South-Eastern University and School for Economics, Innovation, and Technology, Kristiania University College, Norway.
Selander, Lisen
Assistant professor Lisen Selander (Information Systems at the department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg)
Shostko, Dmitry
Senior Big Data environment architect, MTC
Siau, Keng
Keng Siau is the E. J. Faulkner Professor and Full Professor of Management at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln (UNL).
Sirén, Torsti
Lieutenant Colonel, General Staff, Adjunct Professor (Strategic Communications), Ph.D. (Pol. Sc.)
Sneed, Harry M.
Harry M. Sneed (MPA): The instructor, Harry M. Sneed, graduated from the University of Maryland with a Masters Degree in Public Information & Information Sciences in 1969.
Suomi, Reima
Prof., Turku School of Economics.
Togelius, Julian
Julian Togelius is an Associate Professor at the Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tuomi, Ilkka
Oy Meaning Processing Ltd.
Tuunainen, Virpi
Professor of information systems science at the Department of Information and Service Economy of Aalto University School of Business
Urquhart, Cathy
urquhart cathy Professor Emeritus of Digital Business at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, and visiting Professor at the Department of Informatics at Lund University, Sweden
Van Der Heijden, Hans
Hans van der Heijden is head of the division of management and a professor of management information systems at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom.
Venable, John
Prof., Curtin University of Technology
Virkki, Arho
PhD in Applied Mathematics, Senior Scientist & Project Manager, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Visa, Ari
Professor, Tampere University of Technology
Wickramasinghe, Nilmini
Prof., Illinois Institute of Technology, USA.
Widenius, Michael
Founder and original developer of MySQL
Wieringa, Roel
Professor, Chair of Information Systems at the University of Twente, the Netherlands
Williams, John R.
Full Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Systems Director, MIT Geospatial Data Center
Winter, Robert
Robert Winter is a Professor at University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Yoon, Youngjin
Professor in Management Information Systems and Strategy at the Fox School of Business and Management School of Management at Temple University.
Yu, James T.
Zaman, Bieke
Assistant professor in Human-Computer Interaction at the Faculty of Social Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium