Adams, Bram
Bram Adams (@mcis_lab) is an assistant professor at Polytechnique Montreal (Canada). He obtained his PhD at the GH-SEL lab at Ghent University (Belgium), and was an adjunct assistant professor in the Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab at Queen's University (Canada). His research interests include software release engineering and mining software repositories in general, as well as software integration, software build systems and affect mining in particular. His work has been published at premier software engineering venues such as TSE, ICSE, FSE, ASE, EMSE, MSR and ICSM. He is co-founder of the RELENG workshop series on release engineering (and the 1st IEEE SW Special Issue on Release Engineering), co-organized the PLATE, ACP4IS, MUD and MISS workshops, the MSR Vision 2020 Summer School and a technical briefing on release engineering at ICSE 2012. He is PC co-chair of SCAM 2013, SANER 2015 and ICSME 2016.