Offutt, Jeff

Dr. Jeff Offutt is Professor of Software Engineering at George Mason University

Dr. Jeff Offutt is Professor of Software Engineering at George Mason University and holds part-time visiting faculty positions at the University of Skovde, Sweden, and at Linkoping University, Linkoping Sweden. Offutt has invented numerous test strategies, has published over 150 refereed research papers (h-index of 51 on Google Schlar), and is co-author of Introduction to Software Testing. He is editor-in-chief of Wiley's journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability; co-founded the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation; and was its founding steering committee chair. He was awarded the George Mason University Teaching Excellence Award, Teaching With Technology, in 2013, and and was named a GMU Outstanding Faculty member in 2008 and 2009.

For the last ten years he has led the 25-year old MS program in Software Engineering, and led the efforts to create PhD and BS programs in Software Engineering. His current research interests include software testing, analysis and testing of web applications, secure software engineering, object-oriented program analysis, usable software security, and software evolution. Offutt received the PhD in computer science in 1988 from the Georgia Institute of Technology and is on the web at