Pawlowski, Jan

Prof., University of Jyväskylä

Jan M. Pawlowski is working as Adjunct Professor for "Global Information Systems" within the Faculty of Information Technology. This includes the research coordination of several national and European projects (e.g., ICOPER, ASPECT, COSMOS, OpenScienceResources, OpenScout). His main research interests and activities are in the field of globalization of Information Systems, in particular for knowledge intensive settings to support globally distributed workgroups. A particular domain of application is knowledge management and E-Learning. Further topics of interests are the exploration of cultural factors on IS development, reference modeling techniques, trust and awareness in ICT supported settings, adaptive and recommender systems and quality management / evaluation. He is actively involved in research organisations (IEEE, AACE, GI, etc.). As a hobby, he works in standardisation organisations (SFS, CEN, ISO/ IEC JTC1 SC36) and acts as chair of the CEN/ISSS Workshop Learning Technologies.

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