Linne, Marja-Leena

Dr., Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, Finland.

Dr. Marja-Leena Linne is senior scientist and Head of Computational Neuroscience Research Group (CNS) at Tampere University of Technology in Finland. As an electrical engineer with PhD in information technology, she has combined neuroscience and engineering to become a wet-lab electrophysiologist and computational neuroscientist. She has a passion to understand how the mammalian brain learns to store and recall memories. She currently develops biophysically and biochemically detailed computational models of neural systems to explain the complex mechanisms underlying neurotransmission and neuroplasticity in the brain.  Her long-term goal is to transfer the developed models into artificial intelligence and other engineering applications.


Dr. Linne is a task leader in the EU FET Flagship Human Brain Project (HBP). She is affiliated with European Institute of Theoretical Neuroscience (EITN) in Paris, as well as with the Institute of Biosciences and Medical Technology (BioMediTech) at the University of Tampere. She is board member of Organization for Computational Neuroscience (OCNS), and has been elected in training committees of international neuroscience organizations, including Neuroinformatics Coordination Facility (INCF) and Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS). She is the founder of Baltic-Nordic Summer School in Neuroinformatics.