Keskinen, Tuuli
Researcher and Ph.D. student in Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction (TAUCHI) at the University of Tampere.
- Mrs. Tuuli Keskinen is a researcher and Ph.D. student in Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction (TAUCHI) at the University of Tampere. Her research focuses on evaluating the user experience of interactive systems, and she'll defend her thesis on the matter this year.
- Keskinen received her M.Sc. in Interactive Technology from University of Tampere in 2010, and has worked in TAUCHI in professor Markku Turunen's research group since 2008. She is responsible for user evaluations within the research group and has participated in several projects having both academic and industrial partners, and a variety of contexts and user groups. She has been an author in more than 25 publications.