Rossi, Sippo

Assistant Professor of Business Analytics at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki

Sippo Rossi is an Assistant Professor of Business Analytics at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki. Before joining Hanken in 2024, Sippo was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Copenhagen’s Department of Computer Science and a PhD Fellow at CBS’s Department of Digitalization.

Currently, Sippo’s research focuses on AI in healthcare, with ongoing projects being done in collaboration with University of Copenhagen’s Department of Computer Science and Rigshospitalet. His other research interests include bots on social media, AI-generated content as well as database development. His research has been published in journals such as Decision Support Systems and the Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Sippo’s research on bots and AI-generated social media profiles has also been covered by Finnish, Danish and global news outlets and magazines.

Sippo has a PhD from CBS, where he researched social bots at CBS’ Cybersecurity Lab and Center for Business Data Analytics. Sippo has a background in both business and technology, having completed degrees in Information & Service Management at Aalto University and in Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science at University of Helsinki.

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