Damsgaard, Jan
Damsgaard's research focuses on the diffusion and implementation of networked and standard-based technologies such as Intranets, EDI, and mobile and wireless technologies. He has presented his work at international conferences (ICIS, ECIS, PACIS, HICSS, IFIP 8.2., 8.4 and 8.6) and in international journals /(Information Systems Journal, Journal of Strategic Information Syste/ms, /Information Society, Information Technology and People /Communications of the ACM/ and /Journal of the Association for Information Systems/). JD has worked and done research at a number of institutions; including Aalborg University, Denmark, Case Western Reserve University, USA, University of Jyväskylä, Finland; University of California at Irvine, USA; and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China.
JD can be reached at damsgaard@cbs.dk <mailto:damsgaard@cbs.dk> or at http://www.cbs.dk/staff/damsgaard/