Venkatesh, Viswanath
Viswanath Venkatesh, who completed his PhD at the University of Minnesota, is an Eminent Scholar and Verizon Chair at the Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech. Since Fall 2021, he is also the Director of Pamplin’s executive PhD program. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists, both in terms of premier journal publications and citation impact (e.g., Thomson Reuters’, Emerald Citations, SSRN, PLoS Biology), with a recent career ranking of 524th (out of ~8 million scientists in all fields) and 1st in information systems. His research focuses on understanding the diffusion of technologies in organizations and society. His favorite project focuses on improving the quality of life of the poorest of the poor in India—which he has presented in various forums including at the United Nations. The sponsorship of his research has been about US$10M. His work has appeared in leading journals in human-computer interaction, information systems, organizational behavior, psychology, marketing, medical informatics, and operations management, and included best paper awards (e.g., Academy of Management Journal). His works have been cited about 136,000 times (Google Scholar) and about 44,000 times (Web of Science), with an h-index of 79 and i-10 index of 128. He has been recognized to be among the most influential scientists (e.g., Thomson Reuters’, Emerald Citations, SSRN, PLoS Biology), with a recent career ranking of 524th out of ~7 million scientists across all scientists fields and 1st out of ~17K scientists in information systems. He developed and maintains an IS research rankings web site that has received many accolades from the academic community including Association for Information Systems’ Technology Legacy Award. He has served in editorial roles in various journals. He is a Fellow of the AIS and the Information Systems Society, INFORMS.