Summer School on Software Evolution: From Monolithic to Cloud-Native

Schedule and location

Monday September 2 -  Wednesday September 4.
Tampere University, Tietotalo Building (Korkeakoulukatu 1),  room TC210  


Registration is open until August 21.


Research Associate Sebastiano Panichella,  University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Associate professor Josef Spillner, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. 
Dr. Soheila DehghanzadehR&D of DENSO Automotive Dtl. GmbH, Munich, Germany. 
Assistant Professor  Davide Taibi, Tampere University, Finland. 


Postdoctoral Researcher Valentina Lenarduzzi, Tampere University, Finland. 

Detailed Program

DAY 1: Software Maintenance and evolution in  Cloud Native Applications

9:30 - 12:30 Davide Taibi, “Cloud Native Migration Patterns”
Cloud-Native technologies, and especially microservices are enjoying increasing popularity and diffusion in industrial environments, being adopted by several big players such as Amazon, LinkedIn, Netflix, and SoundCloud. Several patterns and platforms such as nginx ( and Kubernetes ( exist on the market. During the migration process, practitioners often face common problems, which are due mainly to their lack of knowledge regarding bad practices and patterns. In this session, we provide an introduction of the cloud-native patterns, reporting their issues and motivations, and describing the most common patterns and anti-patterns.     

13:30 - 15:00 Sebastiano Panichella, “Cloud-based Testing”
To promote and sustain the future of our society, the most critical challenge of contemporary software engineering and cloud computing experts are related to the efficient integration of emerging cloudification and DevOps practices in the development and testing processes of modern systems.
In this context, we argue that Search-based Software testing (SBST) can play a critical role in improving testing practices and automating the verification and validation (V&V) of cloudification properties of Cloud Native Applications (CNA). We, we focus on the untouched side of SBST in the cloud field, by discussing (1) the testing challenges in the cloud research field and (2) summarizing the recent contributions of SBST in supporting development practices of CNA. Then, we discuss the emerging research topics characterizing the cloudification perspectives of SBST in the cloud field. Finally, we provide evidence on how
SBST can used to improve testing practices in the context of cloud-native applications.

15:30 - 17:30 - Co-ordinated by Davide Taibi

  • Introduction to the Cloud-Native Project Dataset and practical task (shared by the chairs)
  • Group building - 2-3 students each (co-ordinated by Davide and Sebastiano)
  • RQs proposals from student and discussion with the chairs
    •  (Some examples of RQs from the shared provided, e.g., manual/automated way to extract the architectural diagram of a system?)

DAY 2: Technological support for Software Maintenance and evolution in  Cloud Native Applications.

9:30 - 11:00 Josef Spillner, “Software evolution in microservice artefacts”
Modern cloud software applications are characterised by mixed-technology compositions of stateless and stateful artefacts, many of them representing microservices. Through open marketplaces, both generic and artefact type-specific ones, it is possible to learn about the evolution of artefacts and microservices over time. Specifically, metrics related to the supply and demand side - published and downloaded or deployed artefacts - and technical metrics related to code and configuration are already measured in long-term experiments by researchers. This talk outlines current artefact observations, identifies common trends and diverging metrics, and explains how researchers can exploit the information gained from the evolution to help developers build better cloud software.

11:00 - 12:30 Sebastiano Panichella and Soheila Dehghanzadeh “Kubernetes, Operators SDK, and Prometheus”
Emerging technologies are used to perform the verification and validation (V&V) of cloudification properties of Cloud Native Applications (CNA) as well as to enable a better observability, monitoring, and management of these applications.  In this talk we provide some hands-on and practical insights on the most emerging technologies characterizing the emerging cloud computing and software engineering research: Kubernetes, Operators SDK, and Prometheus. Then, we discuss the emerging research topics characterizing the usage of such tools the context of cloud-native applications.
13:30 - 17:30 - Co-ordinated by Davide Taibi

  • Dataset analysis initial results (description of tasks assignment among members)
  • Group Work


DAY 3:

9:30 - 11:00 Josef Spillner, “Cloud service dependencies in practice”
In theory, software and service dependencies are simple. They are simple to define through declarative files, simple to resolve by package managers and service brokers, and simple to understand. In practice, they are hard. Dependencies are often implicit, nested or transitive, conflicting, and moving targets. This talk first conveys general knowledge about dependencies, presents algorithms for deterministic and heuristic dependency detection, and then explores them in popular composite (orchestrated) application formats. The talk also touches on the related topic of software application portability. 11:30 - 12:30 “Students presentation” students will make a short presentation (10 min per student) where they will present 1) their Ph.D. topics, 2) the research questions they are planning to investigate 3) the research techniques they are planning to apply 

13:30 - 14:30 “Students presentations"

15:00 - 18:30 “Serverless Meetup Tampere” – This event is not part of the school. During the events, a set of Finnish companies will report their experience in using cloud-native, and especially serverless technologies. Students are welcome to participate. 



Students will receive a short paper with the description of a dataset including a list of cloud native project that will be used during the exercises. 

Students must familiarize with the dataset. Therefore, each student should:
a.      Study the paper received, which includes the most recent database layout and links to the online and download versions of the dataset.
c.      Propose at least two main Research Questions they are interested to investigate and submit us two days before the beginning of the event

Post-seminar evaluation and proceedings

We will publish a post-proceedings volume of the Cloud-Native symposium, in the CEUR-WS Proceedings.
Students will be invited to submit  their assignment (for Ph.D. credits) as one of the following options:
-      report to be evaluated by the seminar speakers (min 3 pages)
-      Paper to be peer-reviewed and, if accepted, published in the workshop proceedings series (CEUR-WS [Jufo 1])

Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts
Papers must not exceed 6 pages (LNCS format)  plus 1 additional page only with references and must conform to the CEUR-WS 2019 format and submission guidelines. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.

The proceedings are now online .

Credit points

Doctoral students participating in the seminar can obtain 3 credit points + 1 credit point after the paper is accepted. This requires participating all of the days and completing the assignments.

Registration fee

This seminar is free-of-charge for member organization's staff and their PhD students. For others the participation fee is 400 €. The participation fee includes access to the event and the event materials. Lunch and dinner are not included.