Practical Internet Security

The seminar intends to give insight into current communication threats in the Internet and presents some of the upcoming techniques to secure against these threats. The focus is especially on the practical aspects of these techniques in order to display the challenges in the actual deployment.


Daniel Migault, France Telecom
Tuure Vartiainen, TUT
Lutz Donnerhacke, IKS GmbH, Germany
Kimmo Puranen, Nokia
Antti Tikkanen, F-secure 


Registration is now closed.
Participants are taken in the registration order, as long as there is free space in the class room.
This course is free-of-charge for INFORTE member organisation's staff. For others, participation fee is 360 EUR/ both days and 200 EUR/ one day.  


15.9 Työväenmuseo Werstas, auditorio
8.30 Morning Coffee
9.00 Opening
9.15-10.45 DNSsec: Practises and Deployment Considerations, Daniel Migault
10.45-11.00 Break
11.00-12.00 Practical IPv6 Security Issues, Tuure Vartiainen
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Approaches to secure BGP, Lutz Donnerhacke
14.00-14.30 Coffee Break
14.30-16.00 Malware Techniques Today, Antti Tikkanen
16.00-16.45 Mobile Platform Security, Kimmo Puranen
16.45 Closing

16.9 Tampere University of Technology, Department of Communication Engineering, laboratory TC229
9.00-12.00 Laboratory Exercise about DNSsec (students), Daniel Migault


This event will be held at Työväenmuseo Werstas, Tampere and Tampere University of Technology ,
Laboratory class TC229 is at T-building (Tietotalo), C-wing and 2nd floor.
Evening program on thursday 15.9 at 17.30 in The Plevna Brewery Pub & Restaurant (please let us know if you will participate)


You can earn 1 credit points by actively participating to the event and  writing a home assignment, or 2 credit points by participating to the event, writing a home assignment and participating laboratory. More details will be given at the event.