Enterprise and Business Architecture

This seminar presents state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in enterprise and business architecture. Special emphasis is paid for the connections between business architecture, business models and enterprise architecture.


Helsinki School of Economics, Arkadiankatu 28, 3rd floor, room no 4.


Prof. Sandeep Purao, Penn State University
Prof. Kari Smolander, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Prof. Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics
Jaakko Riihinen, Head of R&D, Operations Support Systems, NokiaSiemensNetworks


November 12
12:00 Opening and introductions (Prof. Matti Rossi, HSE)
12:15 Enterprise architecture primer (Prof. Sandeep Purao, Penn State University)
13:45 Coffee
14:00 Architectural metaphors (Prof. Kari Smolander, Lappeenranta University of Technology)
15:30 Break
15:45 Practicing Enterprise Architect (Prof. Sandeep Purao, Penn State University)
17:00 Closing of Day 1
18:00 - Dinner at hotel Helka - please, register on Thursday when arriving to Tuuli Karjalainen

November 13
08:15 Experience of enterprise architecture (Jaakko Riihinen, NokiaSiemensNetworks)
9:30 Break - coffee available with coffee ticket from restaurant Proffa
10:00 Architecture vs. business models (Prof. Matti Rossi, HSE)
11:45 Lunch break - lunch at one's own cost. Coffee and bakery available for all participants at restaurant Proffa.
13:00 Panel: Key issues in Enterprise Architecture (Purao, Smolander, Industry participants)
14:00 - 15.00 Discussion & Closing of Day 2