Cyber Defence

Schedule and location

Monday September  21st - Tuesday September 22nd
University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Agora building, room Ag C231.


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Adjunct professor Martti Lehto, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Professor Rauno Kuusisto, Finnish Defence Research Agency, Finland
Associate Professor Rain Ottis, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Lt.Col., Adjunct Professor (Strategic Communications) Torsti Sirén, Finland


Adjunct professor Martti Lehto, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Detailed Program

Please, find descriptions of the lectures below the program.

Day 1

08:30      Opening
09:00      Martti Lehto:  Cyber Warfare as a new paradigm
12:00      Lunch
13:00      Rauno Kuusisto: Cyber Strategy Analysis in Societal Context
16:00      Close

Day 2

09:00      Rain Ottis: Cyber Conflict Analysis 
12:00      Lunch
13:00      Torsti Sirén: Strategic Communications and the Influence of the Media on Public Opinion
16:00      Close

Descriptions of the lectures

Martti Lehto: Cyber Warfare as a new paradigm

The concept of cyber warfare became extremely popular in 2008-2010, partly superseding the previously used concept of information warfare which was launched in the 1990s. For some, cyber warfare is war which is conducted in the virtual domain. For others, it is the counterpart of conventional ‘kinetic’ warfare.

Cyber warfare, in its present form, can be understood to incorporate both concept of information warfare (IW) and concept of electronic warfare (EW), thereby establishing a modus operandi that complies with network centric warfare. Cyber-thinking hopes to bring the structures of cyberspace, i.e. the critical infrastructure, alongside information that is at the core of the information environment. All vital functions of society are more or less networked. Being ‘networked’ refers to action which is not fixed to any time or place and the management of functions. Network structures, along with information, are gaining in prominence. Yet another significant paradigm shift is the fact that while information warfare is generally perceived to occur during conflicts and war, nowadays cyber threats – in all their different forms – have become a part of everyday life for people and institutions.

The lecture deals with the cyber warfare as a phenomenon and how cyber warfare can serve as the force enhancement in the modern warfare. The lecture consists a presentation and group work.

Rauno Kuusisto: Cyber Strategy Analysis in Societal Context

The lecture and workshop presents fundamental basics and a methodology to analyze strategy text content in societal context. The methodology is quickly tested by students to analyze a collection of various countries cyber related strategies. The results of those analyses are discussed and conclusions of differences and their meaning is finally made.  

Rain Ottis: Cyber Conflict Analysis

We will review some landmark cases in cyber conflict and discuss the critical factors that enable or limit cyber conflict today. In the second half of the course student groups get tasks that explore the offensive and defensive aspects of cyber conflict.

Torsti Sirén: Strategic Communications and the Influence of the Media on Public Opinion

The presentation touches upon strategic communications and information operations from grand strategic perspective. The aim of the presentation is to promote an idea of the need for being “wonderful society” as a precondition for being able to affect Others efficiently and reducing the need for systems of preparedness, such as defensive and offensive kinetic and cyber capabilities.  

Strategic communications stresses the need for exerting an enduring psychological effect on intolerant human identity structures by offering incentives for reconstructing more tolerant ones. Strategic Communications is based on the Theory of Positive Recognition, which assumes that human societies may reconstruct their domestic structures (identities, interests and social systems) in order to earn ‘universal recognition’ in the eyes of other human societies (i.e. the Others). The challenge then is to seduce human societies not only to behave in tolerant ways, but also to have them internalize liberal values as an integral part of their identity structures. The challenge is also that the already tolerant human societies should act according to their “seductive messages” in order to change the world into a more tolerant and better place to live in. To put it shortly, liberal democracies should show by the power of example what “being wonderful and acting accordingly” means, and not go “crusading” in the name of liberal democracy.


Credit points

Doctoral students participating in the seminar can obtain 2 credit points. This requires participating on both days and completing the exercises and group work report showing understanding of the topic and its implications.


Recommended readings:

Registration fee

This seminar is free-of-charge for member organization's staff and their PhD students. For others the participation fee is 750 €. The participation fee includes access to the event and the event materials. Lunch and dinner are not included.