Urquhart, Cathy

Professor Emeritus of Digital Business at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, and visiting Professor at the Department of Informatics at Lund University, Sweden

Cathy Urquhart is Professor Emeritus of Digital Business at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, and visiting Professor at the Department of Informatics at Lund University, Sweden. Before returning to the UK in 2009, she worked at the Universities of Tasmania, Melbourne and the Sunshine Coast in Australia, and the University of Auckland in New Zealand. She also worked as a systems analyst for eight years in public sector computing in the U.K.

Her broad area of research centres round the use of digital innovation for societal good. She is interested in how social media and all forms of ICTs can help us meet societal challenges, such as sustainable development, individual wellbeing, and social justice. She is the author of Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research, a textbook published by Sage. Details of the brand new second edition can be found here https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/grounded-theory-for-qualitative-research/book266149#description.

 She also writes regularly on developments in grounded theory and qualitative research methodology in general. She holds or has held various editorial and board positions with the Journal of the Association of Information Systems, Information Technology and Development, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, and MIS Quarterly. She is a subject expert for the Association of Business Schools Scientific Journal Ranking Committee in the UK. She is a Fellow of the Association of Information Systems. Her website can be found here https://www.mmu.ac.uk/business-school/about-us/staff/otehm/staff/profile/professor-cathy-urquhart#tab-tabs_staff_profile-1

Some selected publications (Can be downloaded from my web page)

Urquhart C (2022), How to Do a Grounded Theory Study Online, Doing Research Online, Ed Kate Orton, Sage Research Methods Database

Urquhart C (2022) Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research; A Practical Guide, Sage Publications, https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/grounded-theory-for-qualitative-research/book266149#description

H. Pousti, C. Urquhart, H. Linger (2020). Researching the virtual: A framework for reflexivity in qualitative social media research. Information Systems Journal, 31(3), pp 356-383

Urquhart C (2019), Grounded Theory’s Best Kept Secret: The Ability to Build Theory, Kathy Charmaz and Tony Bryant (ed.), Current Developments in Grounded Theory, Sage Publishers, pp 89-106 

Urquhart C (2016), Grounded Theory,  in Jensen, JB, Craig RT, Pooley JD and Rothenbuler RW (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, (Vol 2, pp 782-794) Wiley Blackwell

Urquhart, C (2016), Response to Davison and Martinsons: Context is King! Yes and No – it’s still all about Theory (Building), Journal of Information Technology, 1-3, DOI: 10.1057/s41265-016-0002-x

Diaz Andrade, C. Urquhart, T. Arthanari (2015). Seeing For Understanding: Unlocking the Potential of Visual Research in Information Systems. Journal of the Association of Information Systems. 16(8), pp.646-673

Seidel, S. and Urquhart, C. (2013), On emergence and forcing in information systems grounded theory studies: the case of Strauss and Corbin, Journal of Information Technology, 29, 237-260. DOI: 10.1057/jit.2013.17

Urquhart, C. and Fernandez, W. (2013), Using Grounded Theory Method: The Researcher as Blank Slate and Other Myths, Journal of Information Technology, 28, 224-236. DOI: 10.1057/jit.2012.34

Urquhart C (2013) Grounded Theory for Qualitative Analysis; A Practical Guide, Sage Publications, November 2012, http://www.uk.sagepub.com/books/Book232280

Hekkala R, and Urquhart C (2012), Everyday Power Struggles: Living in an IOIS project, European Journal of Information Systems, 4 September 2012, doi:10.1057/ejis.2012.43

Urquhart C, Lehmann H and Myers M (2010), Putting the Theory Back into Grounded Theory: Guidelines for Grounded Theory Studies in Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, 20, 4, pp 357-381